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·新疆借助自然优势 大力发展旅游产业  ·清东陵:中国现存规模最为宏大的帝王陵墓建筑群  ·中国清代园林建筑——山东潍坊十笏园  ·河南登封“天地之中”历史建筑群申遗成功  ·优秀影人:湖北摄影家吴正鸿  ·赤水丹霞风景区  ·中国第一所国立综合性大学——北京大学  ·格尔木唐古拉山沱沱河  ·海南三亚风光  ·山西太原晋祠:中国著名的三大古典建筑群之一  ·优秀影人:四川摄影家——唐大富  ·江苏无锡太湖美  ·每周影人:云南摄影家高尔行  ·古赵国遗址——河北邯郸武灵丛台  ·九曲黄河第一镇——山西碛口古镇   ·新疆借助自然优势 大力发展旅游产业  ·清东陵:中国现存规模最为宏大的帝王陵墓建筑群  ·中国清代园林建筑——山东潍坊十笏园  ·河南登封“天地之中”历史建筑群申遗成功  ·优秀影人:湖北摄影家吴正鸿  ·赤水丹霞风景区  ·中国第一所国立综合性大学——北京大学  ·格尔木唐古拉山沱沱河  ·海南三亚风光  ·山西太原晋祠:中国著名的三大古典建筑群之一  ·优秀影人:四川摄影家——唐大富  ·江苏无锡太湖美  ·每周影人:云南摄影家高尔行  ·古赵国遗址——河北邯郸武灵丛台  ·九曲黄河第一镇——山西碛口古镇  

Journal CN-152
Lake Qiandao area Moonlight Island. Famous for moon worshiping platform dated back to Neolithic period. An island of 4 hectares found in central part of Qiandao lake.   ID:115318-06474 杭州�...


Study in large pond wild fish mixed styles swim in groups like whirlwind.   ID:115318-05777 金鱼   图片来源:CCN传媒图片网 乐骄傲
Cameras lens dealing with reflective light across the water to ensure cl...

Subject usually not covered – boring, apart from new trucks. Study being work trucks of mixed styles. Sure not graceful looks or movements but this is the price of China industry development.   ID:115318-0579...

China No 2 superpower with industry booming. Yet cameramen are bewildered finding empty abandoned factories every place? Subject shown is example.
In U.S.A. you find the same – with no boom all when bust. Le Johnn...

Few options for all participants - however expected challenges for cameramen – image gone soft like ghost. Simultaneous fusion of color to gray so best shot in black and white.
As not confined by color constraints...

Found in Suzhou Creek art district Shanghai art-wall in street – set aside for wild cats. The works melds no fantasy more pure pursuit of copy. These wildcat mixed styles are found across the western world, example – N...

Exhibition in hall type facilities of local society. Hundereds of art works displayed by unknown artists and amateurs.   ID:115318-05532 art-mixed   图片来源:CCN传媒图片网 乐骄傲   ID:115318-05544...

Photo shoot with expected challenges – this being the face – conscious nouveau of quality. Images – charm and captiveate current style and not all on cat-walks.   ID:115318-05604 fashionable   图片来源:C...

Placed in park-area along Suzhou river, shanghai. Dedication to ancient trade workers in old days.   ID:115318-05572 ancient-trade   图片来源:CCN传媒图片网 乐骄傲
The business were based along this riv...

Shanghai city. Take tube train line 7 to very end and find Meilan-lake. Images captured show unique lake scenery. Place for families on weekends even wedding partys.   ID:115318-05650 meilan-lake   图片来源�...

New CBD central area Shanghai finance district. Study of architecture in glass and steel high rise. Essentially quality and prestige dedicated rules this area.   ID:115318-05723 shanghai-tower   图片来源:CC...

Most attention – grabbing among these modes of images – the transparency plastic model city of Shanghai or inner city aesthetic area-obviouslly its the elusiveness of the real say brick and steel prestence-play of tric...

Shanghai tube-train unity system the largest on the earth. The shoot taken during non rush hours. Best time for city visitors tube travel mid-morning - mid-afternoon and 8-10pm.   ID:115318-05741 tube-train  ...

In Shanghai and Suzhou city area, tourist buses, thriving species. Destination – you name it. Commercial center shown at points of departure.   ID:115318-05590 buses   图片来源:CCN传媒图片网 乐骄傲


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